PCC Events Booking Terms & Conditions

1.    Purley Canoe Club (PCC) Participants are responsible for booking a place on their chosen PCC Event by completing the following:-
a) PCC Members must add their name to the PCC Forum posting for that event on the PCC Members page on the PCC website.
b) The Membership secretary will add Non PCC Members names, to the relevant PCC Forum posting for that event.
c) By paying for their place on the event via the PCC Shop and making the subsequent payment by Pay Pal.
d) Payments for these Events are taken in accordance with the PCC Shop Terms & Conditions.

2.   Places on any PCC Event are booked on a “First Come” – “First Served” basis.

3.   When booking onto any event, PCC Participants have a responsibility to inform the Nominated organiser of the event if they need to hire equipment or need transport for the event.

4.   If any PCC Participant needs to hire equipment from The Club for an event, a “Hire Fee” will be charged when :-
a)  PCC Participants hire equipment from the Club for an event or
b)  PCC Participants borrow / hire equipment from other Club Members.
c)  There will be no Hire fee for using Club equipment at pool sessions

5.  The PCC Participant must also book and pay for the hire equipment prior to the event, in accordance with this policy and the PCC Shop Terms and Conditions.

6.   The PCC Participants booking onto that event is only confirmed and secured when the participant has paid for their booking. This payment must be made within, 24 hours of the purchase of the booking, in accordance with the PCC Shop Terms and Conditions.

7.   If a PCC Participant does not pay for their booking, via the PCC Pay Pal account, within 24 hours of making the booking, through the PCC Shop, the Club holds the right to cancel the PCC Participants’ booking onto that event. Therefore, the PCC Participants’ booking onto that event will be cancelled.

8.   Bookings onto any Event may be limited in accordance with PCC and British Canoeing (BC) “PaddleSafer” Guidelines e.g. coaching ratios of 6 students to 1 coach; or the size of the venue e.g. the pool or other constraints set by the Club’s committee.

9.  Attendance at any event is at the Discretion of the PCC Coach, leading the event, who will assess the PCC Participants suitability for that event given their current paddlesport experience. The PCC Coach has a duty to inform the PCC Participant of an alternative event they could attend or offer them a refund for that event, if they have paid for the event.

10.  PCC Participant have a responsibility to inform the Nominated Organiser of the event of any medical conditions in accordance with the PCC Rules.

11.   Day Events, Training Days and Pool sessions are open to Fully Paid up Club Members. Non Members will pay the additional non-members fee to attend these events.

12)   If PCC Participants do not book onto the event prior to the start of that event, but arrive at the venue for the event, without a booking, their place on that event cannot be guaranteed.

13.   If Events are over-subscribed, PCC Participants will be placed on a waiting list on a first come first served basis as outlined in this procedure.

14.  Should a PCC Participant not be able to attend an Event due to personal circumstances or illness, they must inform the nominated organiser of the event as soon as they are aware they will not be attending. A refund may be provided in accordance with the “PCC Refund Policy.”

15.   Weekend Events are only open to Fully Paid up PCC Club Members. Therefore, Part 2 of these Terms and Conditions only apply to PCC Club Members.

16.   PCC Members are responsible for booking on weekend events, as previously outlined, on a “First Come” – “First Served basis” in accordance with clause 1 to 6 of this policy.

17.   Confirmation of the PCC member’s weekend booking is only made when the weekend deposit has been received into the PCC Bank Account or PCC Pay Pal Account.

18.   The Club has the right to assign a place on a weekend event, to any PCC member who has paid their Weekend deposit fee into the PCC Bank Account or PCC Pay Pal account, despite other PCC Members previously expressing interest in the same event via the forum, but not having paid their weekend deposit fee to the Club.

19.   The Club may book accommodation for weekend away; e.g. camping facilities, bunk houses or hotels, based on:-
a) The expected weather conditions for the weekend
b) The estimated number of participants for the weekend, as calculated at the time of the booking of the accommodation.
c) In accordance with the “BC PaddleSafer” guidance document.

20.   When booking bunk house or Hotel type of accommodation, the Club will ensure there are a variety of rooms available to ensure various PCC Members can be accommodated, in accordance with the Club’s Duties of care as outlined in clause 21 of this policy.

21.   When allocating shared accommodation to PCC Members the club has a duty to ensure that:-
a) Only Adult members of the same gender and sexual orientation share accommodation (with the exception of clause 21.c; 21.d; 21.e)
b) Only Junior members of the same gender and sexual orientation share accommodation (with the exception of clause 21.d)
c) Adult Members in a consenting adult relationship with another member, can share accommodation together.
d) Various Members who are part of a family group can share accommodation with each other providing the parents and the children agree to these arrangements. However, if the Club has safeguarding concerns about those family members sharing accommodation the club can make a Best Interest Decision on behalf of the Child. The Club must report these concerns, in accordance with the British Canoeing and PCC Safeguarding policy.
e) Two adult members consent to share accommodation, providing there is no evidence of coercion.
f) Adult Members do not share any type of accommodation with junior members (with the exception of clause 21.d)

22.   All PCC Members must agree to the proposed shared accommodation arrangements for the weekend, otherwise additional expenses may be incurred by the individual member or the whole group as outlined in clause 24 of this policy.

23.   PCC Members are responsible for providing all their own camping equipment, including tents, for camping weekends.

24.   The nominated organiser will assign rooms to PCC Members in accordance with clause 21 of this policy on a “First Come” – “First Served” basis, in accordance with clause 1 – 6 of this policy.

25.   The Club has a duty to fill the booked accommodation first, before seeking alternative accommodation, otherwise the Club may incur additional costs which will need to be shared equally across all participants on the weekend event.

26.   If there is no room available to ensure the Club implements its duty of care as outlined in clause 21 of this policy, the PCC Members will be advised to seek their own independent accommodation if there is still space on the event in accordance with clause 7 and 8 of this policy.

27.   It is the PCC Members responsibility to seek out independent accommodation, if necessary, and the club will not be liable for any costs incurred.

28.   The Nominated organiser of the event may give advice accordingly on what accommodation may be available locally. They will provide advice on the location of the accommodation, in order, to assist with the logistics of the weekend and the smooth organisation of the weekend.

29.   If it is still not possible to accommodate that PCC Member on that weekend, they will be placed on a waiting list. They will be allocated a space on the weekend if a PCC Member already booked on the weekend, cancels their space on the weekend. This again will be on a “First Come” – “First Served” basis.

This document will be reviewed by the Committee as required and when Transgender members join the club.